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A member registered May 04, 2022

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Oooo! I'll definitely be on the lookout if there is one in the future!

I loved this game so much. It has a great story and I just LOVED the artwork. The visuals were amazing. As someone who does art, I cannot imagine how much time went into making all the character sprites. My hand would for sure be dead by the end of it. 

I loved the ducks as well! It really brightened the story and added some more humor to it as well! Overall, I really enjoyed the game! little sad there wont be a sequel but I get it ^^

This was an amazing game. The characters had me invested, the story is just phenomenal, and to wrap it all up, the art style is amazing. I've only gotten through Crowven's ending but I will definitly being going through Reginal's as well, especially with his obscurity in the Crowven ending. Overall: 10/10, would recommend